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February 15, 2021

BY: ybeditor / 0 COMMENTS / CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Hey Guys, I know it doesn’t feel like it, but April 1st is right around the corner. 15 Haddock and 1 Cod per person until May 1st, so it should be a great month to fish. I’ve been busting my cajones at the boat, trying to get the new transmissions in. They are much smaller than the old ones, which means all the motor mounts have to be changed, and new shafts have to be put in. Nothing that money and a bunch of scraped up knuckles can’t handle. I’ve been swearing so much, they guys in the boat yard thought Johnny Sanfilippo was back on board. Hope your winter is going better. See you soon. Cap

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December 24, 2020

BY: ybeditor / 0 COMMENTS / CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Hey Guys, Hope all is well. April 1, 2021 will start our season this year. We will be able to keep one cod for the month. We have added a bunch of 10 hour trips to the schedule this year, most early and later in the season. We will start taking reservations after the New Year. Hopefully we can put this virus behind us and look forward to a full season of fishing. Happy Holidays, Cap

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November 19, 2020

BY: ybeditor / 0 COMMENTS / CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Hey Guys, the bird is finally on the hard. We’re going to make sure the cabin heat is working for next season, and will extend the fishing season until the weather starts to turn. If you didn’t get a chance to get out in October, you missed some excellent fishing. Looking like April 1st next season for haddock and one cod (fingers crossed with this COVID bullshit) I’ll keep you posted on any upcoming changes in fishing regs. As always, you guys are the bomb, this season was looking like a bust with the virus and all, but it opened, and you showed up. The crew and I thank you dearly. Stay healthy this off season. Miss you guys already, Cap

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November 6, 2020

BY: ybeditor / 0 COMMENTS / CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Hey Guys, We are going to be stuck in Hampton for a bit, so thought we would take advantage of the weather and run another trip or two. Monday November 9th will be a marathon if you guys are up for it. Weather looks fantastic. Cap

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October 26, 2020

BY: ybeditor / 0 COMMENTS / CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

Availability: Wednesday October 28th Marathon has a few spots left, Thursday October 29th Ten hour trip has room and Friday October 30th Marathon has plenty of room. Call the office to book (603) 929-1995.

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